Table of Contents
It’s important to us to make information about Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS) accessible to the people who need it the most – patients. That’s why we’ve decided to bring the experts to you to answer your questions, tell you more about our rare disease, and most importantly, break down the myths about TAPS. Here’s your opportunity to meet the experts in the Twin Talks Webinars.
The Twin Talks Webinars are a joint initiative between the LUMC Fetal Therapy team and the TAPS Support Foundation.
Twin Talks Webinars
In 2021, we are working with our advisors and patron and creating a special series of webinars covering the topics you’ve requested. In all our sessions, we will have a panel of experts talking live, and answering your questions.
The Twin Talks Webinars are aimed at twin parents, but also family members and carers who want to learn more about their diagnosis. We also encourage doctors, specialists, nurses, and medical teams to join, and find out what patients are asking about twins, so they can help future families.
Sign Up Here
Signup below and stay posted on dates and topics for the Twin Talks Webinars. When you join, you will receive a confirmation email from, so please make sure you check your spam folders if you don’t receive them.
(Add us to your trusted senders list as well!)
Important Information
These webinars are designed for educational purposes. Questions specific to anyone’s medical history cannot be answered during the webinars.