Going Live: TAPS Support Chats With Fetal Health

When the Fetal Health Foundation in the US asked us to join them on a webinar about TAPS, and TAPS research, we jumped at the chance to talk about our passion. Why? Because we’re proud of is our partnership, so any opportunity to share our messages, and help promote our friends is always fantastic

Join Fetal Health founder Lonnie Somers, as he talks with our founder Stephanie about starting a TAPS specific foundation and her personal story, and then join a live question and answer session with our senior research advisor, Dr. Femke Slaghekke, and our patron, Prof. Dr. Enrico Lopriore.

We’ll be discussing topics like TAPS screening, some of the myths about TAPS, treatment options for a TAPS diagnosis, and where to find support if you’ve received the news you have TAPS.

Watch the replay here – thanks again to the Fetal Health Foundation!

Join via Facebook Live, on November 24th at 11am ET (5pm CET) .

We’re really excited to join with the Fetal Health Foundation, and spread awareness of TAPS research, and why it’s so important to screen during pregnancy.

You can join the Facebook Live Event by clicking this link.

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