This month we saw TAPS in the news! Als een tweeling het bloed niet eerlijk deelt – When Twins Don’t Share Blood Equally.
Continue reading “TAPS In The News – September 2020”Meet The Faces Behind The TAPS Support Foundation.
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What if we could combine researchers, patients, academics, and care providers in one place, and create a patient network, as well as support research? Meet the TAPS Support Foundation, where we’ve done exactly that.
Continue reading “Meet The Faces Behind The TAPS Support Foundation.”The TAPS Support Foundation: Connecting Families and Supporting Research Into Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence
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In December 2013, on a cold morning in Leiden, 2 little girls were born. Identical twins born at 31 weeks, with one so pale and anemic that she looked like a ghost, and her sister, red, puffy, and overloaded with red blood cells. They had overcome incredible odds to make it this far, battling a chronic disease that had only been described for the first time 8 years earlier. Their story is the inspiration behind, and the beginning of the TAPS Support Foundation.
Continue reading “The TAPS Support Foundation: Connecting Families and Supporting Research Into Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence”