New Partnership: Meet Gautier Scientific Illustration

When we recently interviewed Amanda Gautier of Gautier Scientific Illustration, we had no idea the impact that this article would have. 20,000 views later, and over 100 shares on Facebook across different pages, this article impacted many families. We’re proud to announce that this has spawned a brand new partnership!

Shared with comments like “I never understood until I saw this image.” and “This makes it so real and easy to understand.”, the image raced through the twin communities online.

taps support foundation twin anemia polycythemia sequence twins gautier scientific illustration partnership
This image is used with permission from Gautier Scientific Illustration and the LUMC Fetal Therapy Team and may not be used or reproduced without their consent.

A Picture Paints 1000 Words

The images stirred up a lot of emotions and interest in our work, and also in Amanda’s work. It also highlighted the need to break down the walls of jargon, and make a diagnosis accessible to all patients, regardless of education level, abilities.

The role of the illustrator is to tell the story to varied audiences, and know how to portray the information so that everyone understands – the ability to break down the knowledge, and tell the story to different audiences is vital.

Our New Partnership

The TAPS Support Foundation is proud to say that we have received the rights to use several of Amanda’s images in our ongoing campaigns. These images are used with the permission of Gautier Scientific Illustration, as well as the LUMC Fetal Therapy Team.

I feel excited and blessed to be able to help The TAPS Support Foundation inform their audience about the development, appearance, and treatment of TAPS. 

Amanda Gautier

This is an incredible opportunity for us to not only share Amanda’s work, but also to be able to visually explain many different concepts in the world of monochorionic twins. Our shared goal of making a diagnosis accessible to all means that working together is logical.

We’re so proud to share our good news with you all!

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