15 Years Of Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence

This year on March 3, we’re recognizing the 15th anniversary of a crucial moment.  You see, back in 2006, the first paper that named Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence was published online. 

While we now know more about this rare disease, it still remains underdiagnosed and shrouded in myths and misunderstanding.  The TAPS Support Foundation is dedicated to helping research and busting these myths, but more awareness is needed.

Busting Myths And Breaking Down Barriers

During February and in the lead up to March 3, we’ll be sharing information, videos, and research updates, as well as discussion topics about the future of research. Naturally, we also want you to share your stories and pictures during this month, so we’re providing you with a whole kit of social media images, headers, and banners to use, as well as a press release. Find them all here on our official page.

A message from our patron, Prof. Dr. Enrico Lopriore. Find the video here.

What can you do?

We would love your help, so we came up with several suggestions for things you can do to help raise the TAPS profile during this time. 

  • Share your story on social media, and tag in @tapssupport, and use our hashtags so we can share it as well. 
  • Plan a fundraiser for The TAPS Support Foundation’s 2021 Research campaign.
  • Get your story published in the media
  • Use our Profile Frame
  • Invite your family and friends to like our Facebook page.
  • Share our social media posts
  • Use #TAPSisReal on your social posts
  • Talk about TAPS.  Invite people to ask you questions about your diagnosis and journey.
  • Go LIVE with your story on Facebook or Instagram (don’t forget to tag us!)
  • Got ideas?  Run them past us!
twin anemia polycythemia sequence taps day
  • https://www.facebook.com/tapssupport
  • https://twitter.com/tapssupport
  • https://www.pinterest.com/tapssupport/
  • https://www.linkedin.com/company/taps-support/
Visit this link for more images, posts, and official TAPS Day communications, as well as more ideas!

Why Celebrate Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS) Day?

It’s simple. TAPS is a real disease, needing research and awareness.  If we all band together, and on March 3, make one social media post using #TAPSisReal, we can raise the profile of this disease together. 

Join us for Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence Day on March 3, and let’s raise the profile of TAPS together.

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