Table of Contents
Meet the newest member of the TAPS Support Foundation family – Reti Koalacyte! This simple, sweet crochet pattern is made for TAPS twins!
Reti is a lovie – a special cuddly toy crocheted with love for TAPS families. The pattern is available for free to you, so if you’re looking for a unique present to give a family diagnosed with TAPS – and you’re a little crafty – this is perfect.

Reti Koalacyte – Our New Bestie
Reti is a project we’ve come up with Nerissa Muijs of Miss Neriss. Stephanie and Nerissa met a few years ago when both were Australians living in the same city in the Netherlands. Both had complicated pregnancies, and Nerissa’s passion for crochet was born from filling in time during this period. They’ve become good friends over the years, and the idea for Reti was born over a coffee and a chat about the “bad old days” of pregnancy.
A Fun Crochet Project For Twins (and Everyone!)
From giving comfort to families in NICU, to a fun project for long, inpatient stays, Reti Koalcyte is a project for anyone who wants to crochet for twins (or singletons!)
Twin pregnancies often mean a lot of downtime, or even inpatient stays. Keeping busy can be a challenge during this time – which is why a lot of people look towards craft ideas to keep busy. Reti is a cute crochet project for twins, aimed at all skill levels with crochet.
He is crocheted in Amigurumi style, meaning he’s ideal for beginners and those wanting a simple, fun project.

What’s That Name All About?
Reti Koalacyte is a play on words. First of all, Stephanie and Nerissa are both Australians, so it made sense that they picked a cute, cuddly animal they’re familiar with and that children love worldwide. But his name is also a play on words!
Reticulocytes are an important part of a TAPS diagnosis – they make up a vital part of the blood tests that are needed after birth. Reti Koalacyte is a memory trick designed to help us remember that we need to get those reticulocyte counts!
Crochet For Twins
We want you to take the pattern for Reti, and use it wisely. If you’re a friend or family member who’s looking for a creative gift, or you’re inpatient – this is a great pattern that’s simple and fun to do – with an amazing end product. Crochet for twins is always a great idea!

Important Information
Check the rules on what is allowed in NICU with the staff at your hospital. We think Reti is adorable, but the safety of the baby, and following the rules of the NICU are important.
At home, always follow the ABC safe sleep guidelines. Alone, on their Backs, in a Crib is safest.
Download Pattern Here
We recommend using Scheepjes Cahlista Bridal White (105), and Scarlet (192) for the red and white colours of our foundation.

Click the button below for the US or UK versions of the pattern.
About Miss Neriss
Nerissa crochets to fulfill her obsession – she loves to crochet. After a long pregnancy with some complications, she took to creating hats for her daughter. This was the beginning of a long and wonderful crochet career, where she creates amazing patterns, dazzling commissions, and the occasional awesome cuddly toy (like Reti!) Discover more about Nerissa, and Miss Neriss here.
Special for friends of the TAPS Support Foundation – if you purchase a crochet pattern from Miss Neriss on Ravelry, receive a small discount it with the code RETIKOALA.
You can find Reti here on Ravelry.
Terms And Conditions of Use
The pattern is used with the permission of Miss Neriss, and falls under her copyright. You may use it under the following conditions:
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
For permission requests, write to the publisher at
It is permissible to sell items made using this design (or any other MissNeriss designs), but it is forbidden to mass-produce items.
Please do credit (via backlink or a tagged image on Social Media) Without express permission from the publisher, it is not possible to assemble and sell kits from any MissNeriss design.
If unclear on the rules surrounding copyright (although the rules do vary slightly from country to country, but the general principle is the same), do read this Copyright Notice produced by the Intellectual Property Office of the UK.
Thank you for your understanding, and happy crocheting!
Copyright © 2021 Nerissa Muijs
With Many Thanks To:
Nerissa Muijs for donating the pattern. You are an absolute legend!
Ingela Ernst-Niermann and Annelies Vaessen ( aka the “Hoofddorp Haakers”) who generously donate their time, and their crochet hooks to make Retis for Dutch TAPS families for us!